This book features 100 essential verbs and Pronoun lessons.
Key Features:
- 100 must-know verbs! Each verb table comes with 40+ conjugations. Plus, you'll find pronunciation guides and real-life Cebuano sentences with English translations for every verb. These sentences are designed to immerse students in real-life conversations, allowing them to grasp how the verbs are used naturally.
- Learn about pronouns: Understand the ins and outs of pronouns in Cebuano and how to use them.
Whether you're on a language-learning journey or seeking to enhance your Cebuano skills, this book is your gateway to mastering verb conjugation.
Pertinent details of each book:
Total pages: 311
Paper Thickness: 70 gsm
Paper Size: Letter
Comb Binding
Cover page: Acetate/Laminated Film
Perfect Binding
Cover page: 230 gsm Laminated
Handmade by Maestra Judy
Cebuano Verb Conjugation Book